Friday, February 18, 2011

Laugh Attack!

No words needed...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quack, Quack!

Will is finally starting to talk and sign a little bit. Granted, he only does it when HE wants to, so it's no small miracle that I managed to catch these on tape!

Pardon the bouncing, when we take the tray off the highchair, it's bounce hour!

Just ignore my obnoxious mommy voice in this video...

Friday, February 04, 2011

14 months old!

Seriously, how is time going so fast?
We've been sort of bad about taking pictures lately, there's only so many pictures you can take of Will playing with the tupperwares. I will update pictures soon, though!

In the meantime, here's a list of things Will is doing these days:
- Still clapping, but not as much as before. He's sort of over this.
- Using EVERYTHING as a cell phone. He managed to crack the screen on Jeremy's phone, so now he's got one of my old phones, along with his toy phone (thanks, auntie lauren and uncle mark!).
- Occasionally eating veggies- Jeremy actually tricked him the other day by stuffing green beans inside rigatoni noodles, and he gobbled them down. Genius!
- Communicating a little bit. He says hello when he's "talking" on the phone, pretty sure he said Elmo today a couple of times and he's signing a little bit. Yesterday after dinner he did the sign for 'all done' when he wanted down.
- Playing like a crazy pants. He likes to roll around his matchbox car, stack tupperwares, pull out the cooling racks from the cabinet and play in the fridge and pantry. I found one of his toys in the fridge the other morning while packing my lunch for work!

Things he doesn't like:
- Being told 'no'. He is way into testing the limits and fake crying when he doesn't get his way. Occasionally he throws in a real cry, with actual tears, for good measure and extra mommy guilt.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. He's a happy camper most of the time.

He's at such a fun age, where it seems like he's doing something new everyday! I'm just glad Jeremy is able to stay home and see all these new things happening!

Pictures coming soon!

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Will is WAY into cell phones these days. He will pick up Jeremy's phone or his toy phone, say 'hello' and then just chit-chat to his heart's desire. Acceptable phone substitutes include remote controls, various toys, puzzle pieces and his hand. It's so funny! You might have to turn the volume up to hear Will's latest conversation...