Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday in the Park. . .

I think it was the twelfth of Marrrrch.

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Catching Up, Part Tres

He has taken to wearing his KU hat.
I don't really know.
The artist takes a break to pose for the camera.

He sure does enjoy "coloring" now.
He apparently pays attention when I'm making him waffles/pancakes.

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Catching Up, Part Deux

Lesson learned that day: Don't leave graham crackers near the edge of anything reachable by Will and leave him alone for a minute.

He picked up this table, turned it over, and sat in the middle of it. Makes sense.
Checking out the Cozy Coupe from Grandma and Grandpa.

Too much fun.

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Catching Up

We have a bunch of pictures (of Will, of course) that haven't made it up here yet, so this will be a photo dump over a couple of posts. Enjoy.

Looks like he could have used a cup o'joe.

Just another day in Will's world.
He sure thinks he's funny.
I want YOU.

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