Sunday, April 24, 2011


Will loves to "sing"! In fact, he likes to watch this video and sing to himself!!

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came!

Shaking eggs!

Will loved hunting for eggs this afternoon!


Sorry about that. We're still alive, just been busy with life!

Here is a list of things Will is up to at almost 17 months old:
-Getting into everything. If you don't want him to get it, you have to put it on the kitchen counter!
-Trying to climb furniture (ottomans, his little chairs)
-Showing us how smart he is- he puts drinks on coasters and throws trash away. He's been pretty good at distinguishing trash from non-trash somehow, but made a critical error today with the cadbury eggs!
-Will loves to "talk" and "sing" though there's still not a lot of understandable words. He loves to say "hi" to people at the grocery store and flirt with little girls and old ladies alike.
-He likes to dance, which I can't get a good video of yet.
-He loves to play outside. He took a nasty fall at the park a few weeks ago and used his face to stop his forward momentum, leading to a terrible scrape on his face.
-He is getting good at eating with silverware- he loves to eat yogurt with a spoon.
-He's still into eating everything. We feed him everything and the only thing lately that he won't eat is egg salad. He ate veggie egg rolls and crab rangoon the other day!

Here's some photos to catch you up!