Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year!
As I celebrate from The Baptist, I thought I'd run through some of the highlights of 2008. Without linking to all the posts, because I'm lazy like that. Really, just click through the archives if you want to see old posts.

2008 in Review

Jan- I spent a month in Chanute for my rural rotation of med school. Jeremy played a lot of video games and drank a lot of beer while I was gone, I'm assuming.

Feb- After much indecision, stress, angst and millions of late night discussions about the possibilities, I turned in my Rank List for The Match. Jeremy was marvelously patient with my 500 nervous breakdowns about where to go, would I match, what order should I rank programs in, etc, etc, etc.

Mar- On March 20, Match Day finally arrived. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe the feeling of walking up to the stage to open an envelope that would tell me where I would train and where we would live for the next 4 years. Happily and quite unexpectedly, I matched at my first choice, Wake Forest University. Jeremy was quite happy to be moving to North Carolina, despite the fact that he'd never even been in the state!

April- The Jayhawks finally pulled it off- National Champions 2008! I nearly tipped over the couch in the process, because I was so excited/nervous while watching the game. The day after we won the title, Jeremy and I headed to Winston-Salem, NC to do some house hunting. We had quite a successful trip- we looked at five houses, put in an offer and found out our offer was accepted when we were sitting in the airport in Chicago, awaiting our connecting flight home.

May- We celebrated a double graduation with Jeremy graduating from UMKC School of Law and me from KU School of Medicine. I had the chance to walk down the hill again, and spray unsuspecting bystanders with tons of cheap champagne during graduation. It was worth every bit of torture during med school to be able to celebrate that moment. We also frantically packed up our apartment and bid farewell to KC, our family and our friends. We loaded all of our stuff (SO. MUCH. STUFF. UGH) into a huge truck and headed for NC with the help of the Strathman parents.

June- I came back to KC for two weeks to finish up a teaching obligation and left Jeremy and the cat hanging out at the house in NC. My mom drove out to NC with me and then flew back to KC. There were definitely some tears shed at the airport, but I managed to console Jeremy (just kidding!). We started to get settled into our new house and tried to adjust to our new town. We also figured out that crazy southerners refer to a shopping cart as a 'buggy'!

July- I started my internship on July 1. It was rather terrifying to realize that I was actually a doctor and now had to figure out what in the heck I was doing! Jeremy started job hunting in Winston-Salem. We also took a weekend trip to Wrightsville Beach and had a great time!

August- This is where things start to get blurry. It goes something like, I worked a lot, Jeremy looked for a job, we bought a kitchen table. We did travel to Vermont for Brent & Bridget's wedding and had a marvelous time and ate fabulous food.

September- We celebrated our birthdays! I had a homemade cake made by my wonderful husband, and I made a mocha cheesecake for Jeremy. I also realized I'm officially old.

October- We traveled to Asheville and I bought a whole lot of yarn at SAFF. We tried to check out some great scenery, but it rained during most of the scenic parts of the trip. We also bought new living room furniture and said goodbye to Jeremy's college couch. Thank goodness!

November- We welcomed my mom & mark for a week's visit. We had a wonderful time, and I enjoyed not having to come to the hospital for an entire week! We spent 3 days in the Outer Banks and found a great big seashell. We also discovered the wonder that is A Southern Season, a 60,000 square foot kitchen/cooking store! We celebrated a delicious Thanksgiving at home and had a TON of leftover turkey! Jeremy got a job as a merchandiser with the PET dairy company and I breathed a hugh sigh of relief!

December- We finally traded in the ol' White Dragon for a 2006 Ford Escape. We immediately celebrated finally having a car with a functional driver's window by heading for the nearest Cook Out for some cheddar style burgers. I also got to spend 4 days in Kansas and see friends, family and the Radio City Rockettes at the Sprint Center. I made it home on Christmas Eve and Jeremy and I had a lovely Christmas filled with WAY TOO MUCH JUNK FOOD from Santa and a delicious ham! I headed to work on Christmas night and am here celebrating NYE, also! Such is the life of an intern!

So, if you've made it this far, I congratulate you! That exhausted me just typing it all! I think the best summary of 2008 is that it has been the Year of Adulthood. Graduations, houses, a car, new jobs and a move half-way across the country!

Best Wishes for a happy & healthy 2009! I'm already predicting the best day of the year will be on July 1, when I'm no longer an intern!

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone has a great day! I arrived back from Kansas last evening and we're spending a quiet Christmas at home until I have to go work later today.

Jerm got a *little* carried away with the whole stuffing the stockings business...

Some of us enjoyed the day more than others...

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

O Tennenbaum!

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The Great Escape

We finally bought a new (to us) vehicle today, replacing my old Accord (RIP White Dragon). It will be nice to have a (hopefully) reliable vehicle, instead of praying that my vehicle can make it to its destination and back. Oh, and we finally have a vehicle with working windows.

Our 2006 Ford Escape, courtesy of CarMax. We really like it, obviously.

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