2-Month Update
In case anyone still follows here, we haven't been posting, mainly because we don't have anything to post about. But here's a quick synopsis of the last 2 months.We flew to KC in May and had a great week at my brother's graduation and Pan's brother's wedding. Lots of Oklahoma Joe's was eaten and Boulevard imbibed.
I flew back to KC in June and had a great time at my friend Scott's wedding.
Pan is now roughly halfway through the pregnancy. She's had a really good pregnancy thus far, in that she hasn't had much in the way of the typical pregnancy side effects. We did find out we are having a boy, which breaks the streak on my side of the family of having all girls. We're still super-excited and have begun looking harder at all the stuff we need to buy, including going to a 1 million square foot furniture store to look at expensive cribs and baby rooms. Too much.
We did fit in a trip to the beach (Wrightsville), where I managed to avoid spraining my ankle this time. We had a pretty fun trip, although we ate some terrible food along the Cape Fear River in Wilmington.
Pan is no longer an intern and is really enjoying her anesthesia residency thus far. She really enjoys the people she gets to work with and the much-improved lifestyle, compared to the first year.
That's really it. We've just been really busy with both of our jobs, traveling around a bit, and baby stuff.
Any ideas for baby boy names? I think I know my favorite, but Pan is still very undecided, so any suggestions are useful.