You Say Ris-ah-to, I Say Ri-SO-tto
. . . So let's call the whole thing off.Yeah, that's the punniest title I could think of, but why don't YOU try finding a pun for risotto. Okay, here's a pic of the Italian Risotto that Pan made the other day, which was extremely delicious, despite the rather unattractive, unartistic nature of this photo.
It features arborio, lots o'broth, red peppers, italian sausage, freshly grated asiago, and a sprig of parsley in an attempt to make it appear less slurry-like.

I just received a new Brinkmann smoker in the mail (thanks Westlaw!), so you can expect to see some smoke-tastic pictures soon, including a pork shoulder that is soon to meet its smoky demise.
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