Chicken and potatoes
Roman-style chicken and tomato cream gnocchi. Pretty solid grub.
Labels: chicken, cooking, gnocchi
Baby Knitting

Some baby knitting, finished quite a while ago, but gifted today.
For our brand new niece Erica!
Sweater from Mason-Dixon knitting, hat and booties from Ravelry.
Yarn: I Love This Yarn (from Hobby Lobby) less than 1 skein for the whole set!
Labels: baby, booties, hat, knitting, sweater
Guitar Hero(es)

Labels: Guitar Hero
It Wasn't Too Soon to Put Up the Tree. . .

Labels: snow
Too Soon?

Too bad.
Labels: Christmas
6th glass

Boulevard's new beer,
6th Glass; I'm looking forward to it this evening.
Labels: beer

French dip sandwiches, courtesy of
April & JasonYum!
Labels: sandwich food cooking
It's cold in our house

Rock Chalk!!
Far above the golden valley
glorious to view...

Stands our noble alma mater

Towering towards the blue

Lift the chorus ever onward

Crimson and the Blue.

Hail to thee our alma mater

Hail to old KU!

KU 76- Nebraska 39
Labels: alma mater, football, KU
Charity Hat!
I made this hat for a sale at The Studio this weekend.
Modeled by my pumpkin candy dish.
I can't decide if this is cute or ugly.

Labels: charity, hat, knitting