Graduation Weekend
Amidst all the packing the past few weeks, we had to make some time to celebrate. I graduated from law school last weekend and Pan graduated from med school this weekend, so we had a bunch of family come into town and celebrated on Saturday and Sunday. It was a great time and a perfect atmosphere for our last weekend in Kansas.
Sunday was our last day in Lawrence and it was beautiful. The weather was great as we walked around on Mass. Street, ate lunch at Vermont St. BBQ, drank a few Free State beers, and sat on the hill waiting for the new MD to make her way down. Pan got drenched in the traditional champagne shower in the med school section, and the alcohol could be smelled throughout the whole stadium.
Also, I got really sunburnt. Very lobster-ish.

Hopefully, Pan will have up some good pictures of graduation, or at least better pictures than my lobster arm.
Labels: graduation
Stuff I Made
Things have been crazy around here. The house is turning into a total disaster area, filled with boxes, boxes and more boxes!
There's been some cooking, in a fervent effort to clear out the fridge and freezer. Nothing too photogenic, though.
There has definitely been some knitting going on- stress relief from all the packing!
I made these dishcloths for a friend as a thanks for a big ol' pile of moving boxes. My first entrelac, and the classic Mason-Dixon Ballband. Yarn was Peaches & Cream, woohoo, more out of the stash!

I made this hat for Lin's Birthday. Rav link

I love this- super easy, super cute, done in 2 days.
I also made this for Lin, since she's the only person that loves Peeps as much as me!

Super easy and fun!
I also knit another Market Bag for my sister and a hat for Jeremy's brother, but I don't have a picture of either. Alas.
Labels: bag, dishcloth, hat, knitting

There has been lots of knitting going on, but most of it has been secret gift knitting, hence it hasn't been shown on here yet. I did make a pair of FiberTrends clogs for my mom, but I forgot to take a picture of them!
However, I have held off on starting a new big project because of this WIP that has been sitting around since late Feb. Finally, though, the socks are DONE! Men's size 14 feet socks in the finest sock yarn I've ever used take a LONG time.

They're done! Hooray! I'm so happy!
Hopefully Jerm will like them!

Jeremy's Socks
Pattern: None used, Top-Down Stockinette, Eye of Partridge Heel, Star Toe
Yarn: Jarbo Mini Raggi, 3 skeins (2 green, 1 brown)
Started: Feb 23
Finished: May 8
Full scoop
here.Labels: knitting, socks