Some Stuff
Whoops, didn't realize it has been a whole week since we posted!I finally found a coffeetable- I got an e-mail from Target saying a bunch of furniture was 15% off, plus free shipping and I happened to find this trunk, which was EXACTLY what I was looking for! The legs on the trunk mirror those on the furniture, and it's great for storage space.
All the DVDs and video games fit inside, which is great, since we don't have an entertainment center to put them in. Now I think we're set on furniture. We just need some curtains and decorations and the house will finally be done!
We also got rid of the old couch yesterday via CraigsList. Jeremy was only a little sad, because that is probably the only couch in the world long enough for him to take a nap on fully stretched out!
Also, the knitters will appreciate this- my birthday present that I never posted!
Labels: coffeetable, furniture, house, knitting
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