So Cute I Can't Stand It!
A few shots from our first Christmas as a family of three!

Santa found our house!

Family of three!

My Christmas Outfit from Nonni!

Not too impressed with some new onesies!

Sitting in my new Bumbo seat. I still need help holding my body up, but I can hold my head up very well!
I got a fancy exersaucer from Nonni and Poppa, but I'm not quite big enough to play with it yet!

My First Christmas ornament!

Milk (& cookies) coma!

Passed out under the tree!
Merry Christmas!
Labels: Christmas, presents, Will
Merry Christmas!
Our gift to you is more pictures of Will, because he's cute!

Doing disco poses in the crib!

Sticking out my tongue!

Getting ready to take a bath!

Being cute!

Bathtime mohawk!

After-bath baby burrito!

Not a picture of Will, but gorgeous holiday flowers that showed up yesterday, courtesy of the Dept of Anesthesia. Thanks!
Labels: baby, cute, flowers, Will
Snow Day!
We got about 4 inches of snow here in Winston-Salem overnight. Naturally, today was the day I had to drive to Charlotte to pick up Lauren and Mark from the airport. Luckily, the roads weren't too bad.
I thought it was appropriate to dress Will up in his snowsuit and take a few pictures.

Cuddly little bear!

Labels: snow, Will
I'm So Cute!
I've had lots of new adventures lately!

I went to the pediatrician and now I weigh 8lb 4 oz.
I'm making lots of funny faces!

I have lots of bad hair days with crazy stick-up hair! Even right after a bath, it still gets crazy!

I've had several real baths and I really like the tub- the first day I even tried to drink the bath water!

I discovered my fingers and thumb and now mom keeps pulling them out of my mouth and putting the pacifier in!

Nonni came to visit and we had so much fun! Mom was sure glad for all her help and she cried lots at the airport when it was time for Nonni to go back to Kansas.

Stay tuned for pictures from my first snow day!
Labels: baby, cute, Nonni, Will
More Pictures!
More pictures, because I'm an obnoxious mom who thinks my baby is the cutest baby in the history of the world. Sorry, but he's really cute!!

Tummy time- look how strong my muscles are!

Milk coma!!

So happy to be napping!

Cuddly little bug.

I like to cross my hands like I'm praying! (He did this on his own, he's done it several times, but we managed to get a pic this time!)
Labels: baby, blessed, Will
Look at Me!
We're home from the hospital and trying to figure things out!

You slept in your crib and mom only checked on you about 100 times per night between feeds.

You had your first sponge bath. You were not too happy to be naked and cold, but you showed us you were mad by peeing and pooping all over!

All decked out in KU gear for the KU-UCLA game. Your feet are so big these booties will probably only fit for one week!
Labels: baby, family, Will
Happy Birthday, Will!

You weren't too happy about leaving that warm place you had grown so accustomed to. Plus, you were up at 8am without having to work or any other obligations, and nobody likes that.

Look at that bunch of black hair! That's probably why Mom had massive heartburn the last few weeks.

This is where they measured you and found out you were 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 22 inches long. Big boy.

You and Mom shortly after she worked so hard to bring you out to us. (My favorite pic)

Our first family picture, and just in time for Christmas cards.
Massive thanks to the hospital staff and the OB who delivered Will. It couldn't have gone better.
Best December 3rd ever!
Labels: birthday, omgweareparents, Will