Delicious Dinners!
Dinner last night was Chicken Pesto Pizza. Yum. I highly recommend Trader Joe's pre-made pizza crust, beats the heck out of the Pillsbury stuff and only costs a buck. I'm going to stock up next time we go!

Tonight we had Southwestern Stuffed Peppers. Poblano peppers stuffed with a tasty mix of onions, rice, ground turkey and tomato sauce. Super easy and VERY delicious.

Labels: cooking, food, pizza
A Day of Celebration!
This is a true day of celebration. Two reasons.
1. I am done with my pediatric surgery rotation. I have another surgery rotation later in the year, but I will worry about that later. I finally can have my life back and not spend 97 hours in one week at the hospital. Hooray!
2. We can finally get rid of the old couch! Those of you who know me will know how big of a deal this is. Our new living room furniture came today! Now we can get a coffee table, curtains and some art, and it will be like a real life house!

Labels: furniture, home improvement, house
A New Table!

Yay, we finally have a kitchen table!

Of course I dragged my highly patient and wonderful husband to three stores to find exactly what we (I) were looking for, but we found it!

Yay! I love it!
Labels: home improvement, house, table
I'm not even sure how this happened

A couple days ago, all of a sudden we had a tree with vibrant purple stuff on it. Weird.
Labels: tree
Too Much of a Good Thing?
Pan said she wanted some cracker packs to take along during her long shifts at the hospital, but I didn't know what kind she would like. I think I took it too far. . .

I had no clue they even made this many types of crackers.
Labels: food, ridiculous
Pancetta Pizza
Unfortunately, Pan probably won't be posting much for awhile, since she's scheduled to work 84 freaking hours this week!
That's also why I had to eat this delicious pizza by myself. It was pretty easy, since I used pre-made dough and pre-chopped pancetta, both courtesy of the Chapel Hill Trader Joe's. We didn't have any mozzarella and I was too lazy to run to the store again today, so I grated some muenster and put it on the pizza after it had cooked for a few minutes. It was the first time I used the pizza stone, but it worked really well.

Probably needless to say, but the pancetta, muenster, pepperoni, and red pepper pizza was awesome. Hopefully, Pan enjoys the leftovers, if/when she gets off of work.
We've had 2 nasty storms in the past couple of weeks, which arise really suddenly and have massive rain, some hail, and 60+mph wind. We lost power for a couple hours and electric lines and trees were down all over the place.
We watched the strong winds blow on our tree for a really long time, to the point it looked like it was snapped in half. Thankfully, this was our only real damage, and none was done to the house:

Our neighbors weren't so lucky though, as they had a big thick tree split right in half and land on their fence. The weather here is weird.
Labels: cooking, pizza, weather