What I did this weekend...
This is the before...Basil and Chives waiting to sprout. On the right is Rosemary and Italian Flat Leaf Parsley. Yum.

Check back in a few months for the Herb Garden After Photo!
Coming soon: The Vegetable Garden!
Sock it to me!
A round-up of all the socks I've knit! Sorry for the crappy pictures, but that's how it goes. I hate feet, so taking lots of pictures of them is not my idea of fun. I need some sock blockers!
The first pair!
Pattern: Pedicure Socks, from Knitty
Yarn: Paton's Classic Merino
My first ever socks. They're silly, and they have no toes, but that's ok.

My first 'real' socks.
Pattern: 3x1 rib
Yarn: Sockotta, in some numbered colorway.
Love these socks. They're the first real socks on teeny needles that I made.

Jerm's Socks
Pattern: Thuja, from Knitty
Yarn: Wool-Ease, Charcoal Gray
They're a bit large for my feet, but they fit Jerm's size 14's perfectly!

Ugg Baby Booties
Pattern: Adapted from Knitty Gritty
Yarn: Cotton-tots in Strawberry, with some Hobby Lobby garbage for the trim.
How could you not love these? So cute, so quick, so easy.

Lace Rib Socks
Pattern: I can't remember. Something easy involving a few YO's and K2Tog.
Yarn: Again, with the can't remember. Knitpicks Sock Memories, maybe? I got it on sale, that's all I know. The colors are sort of funky 70's, and there is some serious pooling on the foot and one leg, but oh well.

Last, but not least, the Cascade Fixation Footies. Pink ones are mine, the other 2 were a birthday gift!
Pattern: My own. 36 stitch cuff, 40 stitch foot.
Yarn: Cascade Fixation, less than 1 skein each!

So there you have it. I told Jeremy I was going to knit a pair of socks a month in 2007. The Lace Rib, Ugg Booties and Cascade Footies have all been knit this year, so maybe there is hope!
Just Hanging Around...
Lazy, lazy, lazy. Just how a Sunday should be.
More knitting pics coming soon. Not so much with the food, more than likely. Jerm has finals this week.
Big Shrimpin'

. . . and avocados. De-lish.
Labels: avocado, cooking, shrimp
Needles & string! Needles & String...
That's what Jerm was yelling the other night as Gizmo tried to attack the sock-in-progress that I'm knitting. Which brings me to the next important point. Knitting pictures will be happening on this blog. Get ready.
For starters, here's a sweater I made for one Miss Lilly Grace.
Pattern: Baby Kimono, from Mason-Dixon Knitting.
Yarn: Bernat Cotton-Tots
Needles: I have no idea. I made this months ago. 8's, I think.
Mods: Pretty much, this sweater is humongous. I think I CO 60 stitches, and generally made everything larger. So, this is probably a 2-year old size sweater, rather than for a baby. Oh well, kids grow!
Labels: knitting
The First of many Steaks this Summer

Small tenderloin steaks and giant grilled onions. . . mmm.
Labels: cooking, grill, onion, steak

Yeah, my wife made this delicious quiche and I ate it; so what?
Labels: cooking, quiche
My Dad is Officially Old . . .
. . . and I have pics to prove it, from his 60th birthday bash.

The wife made a lot of treats.

My dad is apparently very proud of said treats, as well as his yard tools.

His grand-daughters sang him happy birthday. (and were very proud of themselves)

My dad then decided to wear his party hat. He may have been intoxicated.

Many people enjoyed the birthday bash, and I personally had a fun time. It doesn't hurt that we had Oklahoma Joe's BBQ ordered for the lunch, which made it pretty awesome when there was lots o'meat left over, so that they had to give the extras to their poorest child and his wife.

Labels: birthday, family, food

The wife volunteered to make cookies and the cake for my dad's 60th birthday. So far, the cookies are done, and I think they look rather excellent.
Labels: cookies, food
To be fair. . .

UMKC's not ALL bad.
Labels: UMKC
Ah, that Beautiful UMKC Campus

Labels: UMKC
Our Hungry Cat

P.S. She's not eating litter; we just clean out her old litter containers and store the catfood in them, so that we don't have to deal with the bags. So please don't report us to the pet police.
Labels: cat, Gizmo