Everlasting Bagstopper
I knit this cute little bag from KnittyIt's the Everlasting Bagstopper
Yarn: Plymouth Fantasy Naturale, 2 skeins
Started: March 16
Completed: March 27
Needles: Knitpicks 5 and 10.5. I would use 6's next time for the bottom, because the 5's were excruciating to knit with.
I couldn't find any wide ribbon that I liked, so after a failed attempt at fabric straps (the fabric was fraying horribly) I decided to go with two pieces of narrow ribbon.
How much weight do you think you can cram into the bag before the handles come off? We always come home from the grocery store with about 28 plastic bags...and I could ask for one of these for my b-day...but if the handles'll just fall off, I'd be sad.
Very cute!
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