Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Homemade Tortillas

I decided that I would prefer to have cheaper, better tortillas, which prompted me to buy some masa in order to make my own. It was actually pretty easy, just mixing the masa with water, rolling out the dough flat, then cooking them for about a minute on each side, before covering with a towel, in order to keep the tortillas warm and moist.

Here is Pan rolling out the dough. I tried earlier, but was rather unsuccessful.

The tortillas are cooking on the reverse (flat) side of our grillpan. Only a minute on each side.

The finished, delicious products. I definitely recommend it, as the masa was pretty cheap and the tortillas were better than any tortilla I've bought from the store.

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At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they look great!! please send me the recipe and we will try them!


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