A sewing FO!
Well, still not much knitting going on around here, though I did just start a baby blanket for a friend. More about that later. There was another bridal shower for Katy last weekend, so I was working on a project for that, hence very little knitting. I did have time to knit up these two Mason-Dixon dishcloths for the bride's mother.

This is the project I was working on for the shower! I sewed Christmas stockings for Katy and Clay. These stockings are a family tradition of ours, and I know we didn't have any Christmas decorations our first Christmas, so I thought this would be a fun gift. Plus, I learned to hand-embroider for the names. Fun!

Ugh, this picture was taken before I figured out how to turn the flash back on. Hopefully pictures from here on out will be better lit!

Knitting update coming sometime. I have a baby blanket that I made a while ago that still needs to be blogged. And I owe you a garden update! We have 28 tomatoes growing!!
Labels: knitting, sewing
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