Jerm and Pan Do the KC Zoo, Part I
Pan had the day off before a weekend of her rotation in the ER at KU Med, so we decided to use the day to go the KC Zoo, which we had been wanting to do for awhile. It probably wasn't a very good idea to go today, since it was awfully hot, but it's always fun seeing the animals, I suppose. The Zoo also has a koala exhibit right now, so we were able to check them out before they leave.I had to split up the Zoo visit into two parts because I took so many pictures. Unfortunately, many of them did not turn out well, because the animals were all sitting in the shade. (Note: animals were smarter than us on this day)

Crikey! Let's get our journey started, eh, mate!!

This tiger was really awesome about posing for the camera. He walked around for a bit and then stopped right there and just stayed in that same pose for about a minute while everyone took pictures of him.

This is difficult to see, but this is the lake by which the giraffes and zebras sat. You may be able to see a little family of geese on the water, which is what I was attempting to photograph.

This camel was lazy.

It was cool to see the giraffe having lunch right in front of us; unfortunately, his lunch was in the shade, making the picture kind of crummy.

This hippo was huge; words really don't do the fatty its justice, when it comes to how huge it was.
That's it for Part I. Part II promises lots o'kangaroo action.
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