Friday Fry-day
I'm still recovering from a pork hangover (note: it made A LOT of sandwiches) from the pork loin I smoked and I continue to await the arrival of the glorious Bacon Salt, but with an assist from our friends April and Jason, we fried up some corn dogs.We used all-beef Hebrew National dogs (they answer to a higher authority), which is our favorite brand of hot dog. The principal concern with making corn dogs is getting the batter to stick to the hot dog. Below is our control for our batter-sticking experiment, only dipping the dog straight into the batter.

As you can see, the control had issues with sticking to the dog and not making a very thick coating.

And this was made by putting the hot dog in corn starch first, then putting it in the batter. This method is clearly superior, as there were no bare spots left on the dog and the batter was nice and thick.

Mmmm. . . fried crispy and doughy hot dogs.


Overall, although I'm not a big corn dog fan, the dogs turned out really well and were surprisingly easy to make.
Nice work! That's making me hungry for some corndog!
(I'm not going to lie, this is the grossest post I've ever seen!)
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