What a crock. . .
Pan has been working quite a bit lately, which means that we have been even more boring than normal. We have started using our crockpot more though, and made a few easy delicious things this past week.

The above picture is from the "steak bomb". Basically put a roast in the crock pot, topped it with a couple packages of pepperoni, put it on low for about 8 hours, and shredded it when it was finished, putting it on a garlic butter hoagie, and topped with provolone. It was pretty good and perfect for a gameday meal.

This was a lot more appetizing than it looks. For 6 hours on low, we threw in 3 chicken breasts, a can of corn, a drained can of black beans, and a jar of salsa. We shredded it and have been using it in burritos and on nachos. It's awesome.
We plan on making some pork tenderloin + granny smith apple concoction soon, which should be delicious. How did we go so long without using the crockpot very much?
Labels: crockpot, dinner, food
Some Stuff
Whoops, didn't realize it has been a whole week since we posted!
I finally found a coffeetable- I got an e-mail from Target saying a bunch of furniture was 15% off, plus free shipping and I happened to find this trunk, which was EXACTLY what I was looking for! The legs on the trunk mirror those on the furniture, and it's great for storage space.

All the DVDs and video games fit inside, which is great, since we don't have an entertainment center to put them in. Now I think we're set on furniture. We just need some curtains and decorations and the house will finally be done!

We also got rid of the old couch yesterday via CraigsList. Jeremy was only a little sad, because that is probably the only couch in the world long enough for him to take a nap on fully stretched out!
Also, the knitters will appreciate this- my birthday present that I never posted!

Love it!
Labels: coffeetable, furniture, house, knitting
Good Eats.
We've had some good eats around here the past few days!
Homemade Meatball Hot Pockets- yummy!

Shrimp & Grits. These pictures aren't great, but trust me when I say that this is one of the most delicious things I've ever made. Cheese grits first.

Topped with shrimp, sausage and other delicious flavors. YUM. YUM.

Jerm's birthday cheesecake. Mocha chocolate chip. Very, very good. I'll try and get a better live action pic, but I haven't managed to get a nice photogenic slice yet.

Labels: baking, birthday, cheesecake, cooking, grits, shrimp, southern food
Holy Cannoli!!
This could be trouble.

We found a place(Bambino's) that sells good, reasonably-priced, veal parm subs and cannolis, only 5 minutes away. OMNOMNOMNOM
(The veal parm is not as good as those from D'Bronx in KC, but it's still really good, and better than I expected, here in NC. The cannolis are great.)
Labels: food, restaurants, subs
Happy Birthday, Pan!

I made the cake, explaining its crappiness.

Happy Birthday!
Labels: birthday
Chalk it to Me!
I completed another small home improvement project this weekend. The idea was blatantly ripped off from Brent & Bridget (thanks, guys!).

We painted a wall between our kitchen and living room first with magnetic primer and then with chalkboard paint. Now we have a magnetic chalkboard for grocery lists, to-do lists and our dinner menu!

It was super easy, we got the paint at Lowe's and will be really functional, I think.
Labels: home improvement, house, paint
Thanks, Katy!!
Got an early birthday present in the mail the other day. Some delicious pasta from the specialty pasta lady at the farmer's market from Katy! Thanks! This lady sells amazing varieties of flavored pastas, but I'm always too cheap to buy them for myself!
We whipped up a little dinner last night with the Lemon-Basil Fettuccine and Garlic Butter Shrimp. YUM.

Thanks, Katy! You're the best!
Labels: birthday, food, pasta
A Weekend in Vermont

We went to Vermont over the holiday weekend for a fabulous wedding. Congrats to Brent & Bridget!

Unfortunately, we didn't take too many pictures, because we were too busy enjoying the amazing scenery and incredible food.

Jeremy did some golfing, I got a pedicure, we hung out with family and ate WAY too much. The food was insane- duck cassoulet was the highlight, though there was fabulous lamb, scallops and ridiculous steaks. The dessert buffet was also equally spectacular. I apologize for the lack of pictures, but we were too busy stuffing our faces!

I also managed to bring home a few souvenirs. Oops. In my defense, I have been looking for the perfect pair of sporty type shoes for about 2 years. And I found them!

And of course, what's a trip without souvenir yarn?? I blame Jane for her yarn-buying enabling!

Labels: shoes, vacation, vermont, wedding, yarn